Bedtime Routines

Bedtime Routine for School-Aged Children

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Discover an effective bedtime routine for school-aged children aged 6-12 years, promoting better sleep and overall well-being!

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Table of Contents

Is your child an active adventurer who needs to unwind or a reader who adores cuddles? Developing a unique evening ritual can be the secret to lovely dreams, regardless of their style.

This guide provides flexible techniques to assist you in creating a schedule. 🚀

Why do school-aged children need a bedtime routine?

Children between 6 and 12 years old undergo significant physical and mental development, requiring 9-12 hours of sleep each night. A consistent bedtime routine plays a crucial role in achieving this optimal sleep.

According to the Sleep Foundation, sleep is vital for people of any age. But especially in teens, profound mental, physical, social, and emotional development requires quality sleep.

Read our guide to bedtimes by age here: bedtimes by age

Why is bedtime routine for 6-12-year-old children important?

Parenting school-age children might feel like a never-ending war against sleep problems. But having tranquil nights isn't the only benefit of creating a regular and relaxing sleep ritual (though that's nice!).

  • Boosting Brainpower: Sleep is not just for rest; it's when the brain consolidates memories, processes information, and strengthens neural connections.      
  • Nurturing Emotional Balance: Think of sleep as a natural stress reliever. When your child is well-rested, they have the emotional resources to handle daily challenges, regulate their moods, and bounce back from setbacks. 
  • Creating Family Connections: Beyond the practical advantages, bedtime routines offer quality time and connection.

How much sleep do school-aged children need?

Kids between the ages of six and twelve accelerate through school, extracurricular activities, and the fascinating world of growing up like tiny rockets.

However, for these youthful bodies and brains to perform at their peak, just like rockets require fuel to refuel, they must get lots of sleep. 

How much sleep do they need, then? well, the magic number is 9-12 hours per night.

Uncover age-specific nap secrets: nap schedule by age

Children, and adolescents who do not get enough Sleep have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, injuries, poor mental health, and problems with attention and behavior.

How to create a bedtime routine for 6-12-year-old children

You and your child can have restful nights by establishing a regular bedtime routine. To prepare for slumber success, follow these four essential steps:

1. Set consistent sleep and wake times

Establish regular sleep and wake-up times, including on the weekends. Their internal clock, or circadian rhythm, is adjusted, making it easier for them to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

2. Limit screen time to 2 hours before bed

Blue light from screens can interfere with your ability to sleep. Establish a screen-free area two hours before going to bed.

Promote substitute pursuits such as reading, sketching, or relaxing music listening. 

In our StoryBook App, you will find meditations, affirmations, and stories for your little ones.

3. Wind down before bed with relaxing activities

Offer your child soothing activities to help them unwind after a full day of exploration. Some excellent ideas are to take a warm bath, read a book together, or do gentle stretches. 

4. Establish a "tech-free zone" in the bedroom

Transform their bedroom into a sleep haven. Eliminate distractions like televisions, tablets, and phones. Invest in blackout curtains for darkness, calming scents like lavender, and comfortable bedding.

"Children, and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, injuries, poor mental health, and problems with attention and behavior."💡 CDC

5. Encourage physical activity

Encourage your child to engage in regular physical activity. Exercise helps them burn off energy, making falling asleep and sleeping soundly easier. 

6. Limit caffeine intake

Limit your child's intake of caffeine-containing drinks like soda, energy drinks, and even some chocolate, especially in the afternoon and evening. 

7. Involve your teen in the decision-making

Let your kids help you establish their nighttime ritual. They can select soothing pastimes, comfortable clothing or even customize their sleeping haven.

Collaborating encourages ownership and increases the likelihood of routine adherence. Envision them assuming the "sleep hero" role, mastering their own sleep!

Discover bedtime routines tailored to your little one's specific age group!

🤱🏻 Newborn bedtime routine (0-3 Months)

👶🏻 Bedtime routine for babies (4 to 11 months)

🧒🏻 Bedtime routine for toddler (1-3 Years)

🧒🏻 Bedtime routine for kids (3 to 5 years)

Sample bedtime routine for school-aged children

example of a bedtime routine for school-aged children

How to keep the school routine on weekends?

For children in middle school years, the weekend routine can be a bit more relaxed than on school nights. They can sleep in a bit later, but it's important to maintain a consistent sleep routine. Here are a few recommendations: 

  • Adjust the lights-out time according to their age and the number of hours of sleep they need.
  • Try to limit the amount of time they sleep in on the weekends to no more than an hour later than usual wake-up time.
  •  While it's okay to be a little more flexible on weekends, make sure it doesn't interfere with their weekday schedule. 

If a child sleeps too much on the weekends, it can disrupt their sleep cycle and make it difficult to get back into their regular routine. This can negatively affect their school performance.

Do's and don'ts for setting a bedtime routine for school-aged children

Check out our simple guide for what to do (and what not to do) when creating a bedtime routine. Let's make bedtime awesome and full of sweet dreams! 

Do's Don'ts
Establish a nedtime routine Avoid active play
Include relaxing activities Limit caffeine intake
Involve your child Don´t Force or nag
Focus on consistency Set unrealistic expectations
Offer positive reinforcement Compare your child to others

Why is bedtime routine for 6-12-year-old children important?

Parenting school-age children might feel like a never-ending war against sleep problems. But having tranquil nights isn't the only benefit of creating a regular and relaxing sleep ritual (though that's nice!). 

  • Boosting brainpower:

       Sleep is not just for rest; it's when the brain consolidates memories, processes information, and strengthens neural connections. 

  • Nurturing emotional balance:

        Think of sleep as a natural stress reliever. When your child is well-rested, they have the emotional resources to handle daily challenges, regulate their moods, and bounce back from setbacks. 

  • Creating family vonnections:

        Beyond the practical advantages, bedtime routines offer quality time and connection.

"Sleep vital for people of any age. But especially in teens, profound mental, physical, social, and emotional development requires quality sleep."💡Sleep Foundation

Read our guide to bedtimes by age here: bedtimes by age

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Written By

Francisco Cornejo
CEO Storybook

Francisco Cornejo, a dynamic entrepreneur with a Masters in Communication from RMIT University in Australia, is the Co-Founder and CEO of Storybook. As a serial entrepreneur, he notably served as the Chief Marketing Officer at Honda Motors in Latin America, shaping the brand's regional presence. ‍ Passionate about family well-being and communication, Francisco leads Storybook in its mission to improve children's health globally, aiming to create positive impacts in both corporate and societal spheres.


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