
Is My Baby Behind Developmentally?

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Worried about your baby's development? Learn the signs of developmental delays and when to seek help.

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As parents, we are always worrying about the well-being of our children. A major concern is if our children are developing normally. Whether you're a first time parent or not, keep in mind that developmental milestones are important achievements for your baby, however, your baby might hit some ahead of time and some later. They can include motor, sensory, communication, and feeding milestones. Major baby milestones include:

0-3 months

  • Makes eye contact
  • Turns head towards sounds or voices
  • Coos and smiles
  • Cries for different needs (i.e. hungry, tired, etc.)
  • Able to be calmed by rocking, touch, and gentle sounds
  • Able to visually track a moving object from side to side (while laying on their back)
  • Attempts to reach a toy/object held above their chest (While laying on their back)
  • Able to bring hand to mouth
  • Able to open and close fists
  • Lifts and holds head up (while on their tummy)
  • Pushes up on their arms (while on their tummy)4-6 months 
  • Reacts to sudden movements/sounds
  • Uses babbling to get attention
  • Uses both hands to explore
  • Brings hands/objects to mouth
  • Begins to show interest in food (i.e. reaching for your food)
  • Decrease in tongue thrust reflex 
  • Sits (possibly with support of hands)
  • Rolling from tummy to back and vice versa
  • Reaches for nearby items when on tummy
  • Transfers toy/object from one hand to another7-9 months
  • Recognizes and responds to their name
  • Participates in two-way communication
  • Imitates sounds
  • Shows recognition of commonly used words (including object and people)
  • Focuses on objects both near and far
  • Examines objects with both hands and mouth 
  • Sits without support
  • Moves from tummy/back to sitting
  • Picks up smaller objects with thumb and fingers
  • Turns head to track items
  • Holds and drinks from a bottle
  • Stays full longer after eating10-12 months 
  • Pulls themselves up to stand
  • Stands alone, takes a few steps independently
  • Claps hands
  • Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up smaller objects
  • Follows simple directions (i.e. no, come here)
  • Uses “mama” and “dada” in a meaningful way
  • Begins to use hands to communicate their needs
  • Begins to feed themselves (using fingers)
  • Begins to use an open cup13-18 months
  • Walks independently
  • Squats to pick something up
  • Has a regular sleep schedule(By 15 months)
  • Uses 5-10 words
  • Understands 50 words
  • Imitates simple words and gestures(By 18 months)
  • Responds to questions
  • Repeats words overheard in conversation
  • Shakes head or nods for yes and no

There are things you can do with your baby to help their development, such as tummy time or reading high contrast storybooks. Reading and listening to stories is a great way to increase their vocabulary and the more you talk with your baby, the more they will learn in terms of communication. Support them as they learn to stand and walk. It is also important to make sure your baby is getting enough food and sleep as well to help in their development.For consistent tracking of your child’s development the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a milestone tracker app. This will help you track your child developmentally from 2 months to 5 years of age. The CDC also offers a printable checklist of milestones and activities to help your child in their development, here.Don’t forget your baby is unique and these milestones have room for some give and take. Try not to compare them to others either and if you believe your baby is behind developmentally, consider talking to your pediatrician.Make sure your baby is developing well with good sleep and quality family time with Storybook because Storybook time is togetherness time, and if your baby sleeps better so do you.{{cta('04f7e245-6c89-4066-9bfb-38c273f83d4e','justifycenter')}}

Written By

Francisco Cornejo
CEO Storybook

Francisco Cornejo, a dynamic entrepreneur with a Masters in Communication from RMIT University in Australia, is the Co-Founder and CEO of Storybook. As a serial entrepreneur, he notably served as the Chief Marketing Officer at Honda Motors in Latin America, shaping the brand's regional presence. ‍ Passionate about family well-being and communication, Francisco leads Storybook in its mission to improve children's health globally, aiming to create positive impacts in both corporate and societal spheres.


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