
How to Get an Overtired Baby to Sleep: Signs & Strategies

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In this blog, we will guide you to 5 practical strategies for knowing; how to get an overtired baby to sleep.

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It's every parent's dream: a happy, sleepy baby drifting off to a peaceful slumber. But when bedtime turns baby sleepover into a battlefield of fussiness and frustration, it could be a sign your little one is not just "tired," but overtired. 

The subtle cues are crucial to calming the chaos and guiding your baby towards a restful night's sleep.

“Children show they’re tired through changes in behavior. For example, your child might be suddenly irritable, overactive, or demanding.” 💡 Raising Children

Let's break down the telltale signs of an overtired baby. Come on! Additionally, you may view this blog on baby fighting sleep for more insights.

  • Fussiness and irritability                                                                                                                                              
    Overtired babies often become easily frustrated and cranky. They might cry for seemingly no reason and generally seem unhappy.
  • Difficulty falling asleep
    Even when exhausted, overtired babies may resist bedtime, toss and turn in the crib, and even appear fussy.
  • Rubbing eyes and yawning
    Although these are classic signs, overtired babies may seek excessive yawning and frequent eye rubbing.
  • Crankiness
    An overtired baby may be unusually demanding and refuse to play or cooperate.
  • Inconsolability
    An overtired baby may reach a point where he becomes so overwhelmed that he becomes inconsolable.
  • Arching back or clenching fists
    These physical signs may indicate a stressed nervous system struggling to relax.
  • Difficulty staying asleep
    An overtired baby may wake up frequently throughout the night and have trouble falling asleep.
  • Decreased appetite
    The stress of being overtired can reduce a baby's appetite.
  • Hyperactivity
    It may seem counterintuitive, but some overtired babies become hyperactive as their body tries to fight sleep.

 Difference between an overtired and undertired baby

The tricky moment of bedtime with a baby is not just "tiredness" but rather the tricky imbalance between overtiredness and undertiredness.

“Fatigue is a feeling of constant exhaustion, burnout, or lack of energy. It can be physical, mental, or a combination of both. Fatigue can affect anyone – most adults experience it at some time. 💡 Better Health

 Recognizing the subtle differences in their cues is the key to a restful night's sleep for you and your little one. Let's look at the differences:

Differences overtired baby to sleep

5 Effective strategies to get an overtired baby to sleep

The cooing of tiredness may sound tempting. Still, an overtired baby is often a recipe for trouble sleeping and a chaotic nighttime development. Here are 5 effective strategies to help your tired baby fall asleep. Check our blog for more information on baby sleep tips.

1. Establish a consistent bedtime routine

Consistency is your magic wand. Establish a calming ritual before bedtime, telling him it's time to relax. Bath him, read him stories, sing him lullabies, and follow the same steps every night.

Baby Bedtime Routine

See this helpful bedtime routine chart: bedtime routine chart

2. Use soothing techniques

Calming techniques do wonders for frayed nerves. Try rhythmic rocking, singing soft lullabies, using the StoryBook App to gently rub your child's back, or playing white noise.

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3. Swaddle the baby

Swaddling mimics the cozy womb for newborns, encouraging security and deeper sleep.

4. Adjust feeding and nap schedules

Overtiredness can be a symptom of an unbalanced schedule. Adjust meal and nap times; this helps build up sleep pressure and makes it easier to fall and stay asleep afterward. For more insights on creating an effective naptime routine, check our blog on naptime simple tips.

Consult your pediatrician or a sleep consultant for personalized guidance on healthy sleep habits.

5.  Avoid overstimulation

In the run-up to bedtime, avoid activities that may be too stimulating. For example:

  • Loud noises
  • Bright lights
  • Energetic games

These factors can make it difficult for a tired baby to relax. Opt for quieter activities, such as:

  • Reading books
  • Singing
  • Listening to a story
"Let's understand that overstimulation is not positive. Neural migration should not go unnoticed. The overstimulated body goes hand in hand with an unrested brain."
💡Dra. Lorena Koppel

How to establish a relaxing bedtime routine 

Battles in bed? Forget them. If you create a calming ritual before bed, you can transform bedtime. Here's your guide to creating a winning bedtime routine:

If you want to go deeper into this topic, we invite you to check our blog: bedtime routine for kids

Step 1: Begin with calming activities

Begin with activities that signal wind-down time:

  • 🛀 A warm (not hot) bath before bedtime may be the best option for relaxing muscles
  • 🕯️Light calming candles
  • 🔉 Play soft nature sounds
  • 🌌 Diffuse relaxing lavender essential oil 
  • ❌ Avoid energetic games or TV, as these can be too stimulating

Step 2: Gentle massage with a bedtime story

In the StoryBook App, you can offer them a relaxing massage before bedtime, focusing on the back, arms, and legs.

Remember that this physical connection relaxes the muscles and deepens their sense of security.

Step 3: Dim the lights

As dusk approaches, gradually dim the lights or switch to warm lamps. The darkness triggers the release of melatonin, our natural sleep hormone, and prepares them for restful sleep.

Step 4: Offer a choice!

Offer your child a limited number of choices within the sleep routine. For example, allow them to choose between two quiet bedtime stories or two songs for their playlist. This empowers them and makes them feel more involved in the process. 💪🏼

How do you recognize if the routine is effective?

If you want to achieve your goals and truly optimize your day, it's imperative to evaluate the effectiveness of your routine. Don't hesitate to take a moment to reflect and confidently ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you following the steps correctly?
    Recheck this blog and make sure you have followed it to the letter. This will help your performance.
  • What do you hope to achieve with the routine?
    Remember the purpose of your routine, which will make your development more optimal.
  • How frequent and consistent are you in the routine?
    Check the consistency with which you follow the indicated routine, as this will make you succeed; consistency is a success; remember it!

What do you do if your baby is too tired even with the strategies?

If you notice that the strategies need to have the effect you require, the first step is to review the steps again and ensure you apply them correctly.

If you followed them to the letter, you should go to your trusted physician (if they specialize in this area, all the better).

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Written By

Francisco Cornejo
CEO Storybook

Francisco Cornejo, a dynamic entrepreneur with a Masters in Communication from RMIT University in Australia, is the Co-Founder and CEO of Storybook. As a serial entrepreneur, he notably served as the Chief Marketing Officer at Honda Motors in Latin America, shaping the brand's regional presence. ‍ Passionate about family well-being and communication, Francisco leads Storybook in its mission to improve children's health globally, aiming to create positive impacts in both corporate and societal spheres.


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